In the lead up to COP24 the United Nations Climate Change Conference next week the World Meteorological Organization has published a global climate bulletin highlighting the work of leading international artists and arts organisations. The article highlights my recent works on Ozone Eating Clouds that both educate and raise awareness on visible man-made weather phenomena. The United Nations aims to create a global community of practice for artists working in this area. “Jasmine's work is an exc...
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It is my pleasure to announce the exciting release of Art + Climate = Change, published by the Ian Potter Museum of Art. The book features two of my recent key projects - The Politics of Perception at Latrobe Regional Gallery and The Catchments Project - at Creative Space's Lab 14 Studio, presented during 2015 as a part of the Art+ Climate = Change Festival. "In a period of profound environmental and social upheaval, climate change has become one of our greatest challenges. Yet for many of us,...
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