End Game, 2018
Glass Crystal, Dichroic Lens
Glass – L180 W135 H100mm
Photographer - Russell Watson
“After I realised my Nike shoes will live longer than me, I started considering the objects that have come into my possession during my lifetime that will outlive me. My childhood Rubiks cube made me consider that over 350 million Rubiks have been made and exist in the world today. 350 million Rubiks that are made from toxic pollutants that cannot be recycled and if put through the recycling process spread poisons from the recycling site into homes and bodies.”
As custodians helping to create a future earth the next generation will inherit, the choices we make will influence their health, well-being and resources. The creative thinking needed to design a wealthy environment relies on global education and awareness on the longevity of the game we are playing. The non-renewable resources we consume and products we manufacture will exist in the End Game with our environment, but will we?