The Water Harvest
Made collaboratively by artists Jasmine Targett and Debbie Symons
Antique Chemistry Hand Blown Glass Bottles, Rain and Grey Water on Light box and ledge surrounding room.
Lightbox: L 2000 W 2000 H 8000mm
The Water Harvest is a socially engaged installation-based artwork that celebrates the seemingly small acts of Melbournians collecting rain/grey water in an effort to become more resilient to the impact of reduced rainfall and drought. The artists invited water conscious Victorians to contribute water saved around their workplace or home to be included within the installation; by collecting a sample, the contributors name and their address. The artists calculated the water’s geographic origin and etched this into the bottle along with the water harvester’s name.
Presented in an illuminated installation, the bottles act as markers on a map of a landmark shift in collective attitude and awareness towards preserving Melbourne’s natural resources to create a resilient and sustainable city. The Water Harvest explores how Melburnians can create a man-made catchment to feed back into the water system.
This is reflected in the connection between the two works within the space as they overlap they create a visual representation of how the natural and man made can work in collaboration, creating a sustainable super ecology.
At the end of the exhibition, the artists will gift the artwork to the community to thank every individual for consciously contributing to the sustainability of Melbourne’s water.
The Water Harvest was created for The Catchments Project during an the first studio-based artist in residence program at Creative Spaces: Carlton Connect Studio at Lab14, where the artists utilize the unique research facilities which fostered innovative art-science research collaborations.
The Catchments Project Website
Other works created during The Catchments Project: